Terry About To Start The Big Ride

Terry About To Start The Big Ride

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 18 Casper, WY. 120 miles 2,660 ft climb

While other riders described today's ride as long, flat and monotonous, Terry said he enjoyed it more than yesterday's, with its detour. He lingered and chatted longer at the SAG Stops and at the one scenic area of Hell's Half Acre.   The 120 miles were all about the same, but the weather was pretty kind:  cool and sunny in the morning, low 60's, warmer in the afternoon, in the mid 90's;  light wind in the morning that turned into a headwind by late morning and became a tailwind in the early afternoon.   They did ride over a reservoir which was nice, but the most interesting spot was Hell's Half Acre, which was described as a miniature Bryce or Grand Canyon.  Historically, this is where the Indians drove great herds of bison over the cliffs and  into the canyon for slaughter.

Two Riders Approaching But 120 Miles of This

Hell's Half Acre Was About It For Scenery

Boysen Reservoir

This was a 3-SAG Stop day.  SAGS are determined by the mileage, and today's 120-miler is the longest of the tour.  The second SAG stop was the  "town" of Hiland, which consisted of one house, one shed, one small store/cafe/gas station.  That's it.

Along the way, riders got into pace lines.   At one point, Zippy was leading one, when he heard the rider behind him say, "Terry, we'd normally draft behind you, but we can't see you, so we're passing on the left".    I guess he's not putting on any weight, despite all the ice cream.   Terry asked me to make a clarification----he doesn't consider himself with the "fasties".   Some days he might be at the very back of the fasties, or in the front of the middle group, but he doesn't want to give a false impression.   Clarification noted.

Everyone arrived safely in Casper, with great relief to have a REST DAY tomorrow, with it's promise of sleeping later and having a later breakfast.  Luxury!!

1 comment:

  1. Terry is living his dream and doing it magnificently. Lynda
