Terry About To Start The Big Ride

Terry About To Start The Big Ride

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 0, Astoria, OR. 30 miles, 0 ft climb. Ceremonial Wheel Dip in Pacific Ocean & Meet The Others

The warm-up ride to Ft. Stevens State Park, on the gorgeous Clatsop Spit, where the Columbia River meets the Pacific Ocean  and the ceremonial dip of the rear wheel into the Pacific. This is matched at tour's end with a ceremonial dip of the front wheel in the Atlantic. Terry joined up with a group of three guys for this ride, and of course, they were all checking each other out as to how they ride.  The strongest rider was Steve, who Terry kept up with, no problem.  The view from our hotel room is great, looking out on the Columbia River and the bridge over to Washington.   A rainbow appeared and ended right in front of us.  A good sign.
Pacific Ocean Wheel Dip
Terry and 3 Fellow Riders Do The Rear-Wheel Dip in Pacific Ocean
A Rainbow At The Start--A Good Sign

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