Terry About To Start The Big Ride

Terry About To Start The Big Ride

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Getting There and Oriented

 After two fairly grueling days of driving about 14 hrs each day, we arrived in Astoria, Oregon on Saturday.  Terry checked in to America-by -Bike (hereafter, ABB), and we enjoyed the view from our hotel on the Columbia River.   Sorry that there aren't any photos yet, since I'm still in Oregon and can't get the photos from my camera (I'm IPAD-less).   But, attached are three maps to help you visualize the whole trip, and then the first few days.  Some of you already saw the whole map at the send-off party last Sunday.   Terry really loved that you came to wish him well.  He's proudly wearing and using his presents, too!

Sunday, everyone had arrived and checked in, and we all met for a group dinner and orientation.  The orientation meeting was 3 hrs long, and while very well-done and even entertaining, it contained so much information and cautions that anyone who wasn't nervous before the meeting, now was!   There are 35 people on the trip, 25 men and 10 women.  A few married or romantic couples, a one mother-daughter pair, one father-son pair, some friends, and the rest assorted others.  There was a go-round of introductions and "why are you doing this".   Very inspirational.  Lots of bucket lists from survivals, major life changes, and personal goals and challenges.  Some riders are very experienced (including Terry) with long mileage under their belts, but a good number are not.  They are very nervous, but all seemed totally determined to finish and enjoy themselves.   The riders are predominantly "middle-aged"--probably in their 50's and 60's, and a few 70's, and some in their 20's & 30's.   We think Terry is the oldest.   The youngest is a wonderful young woman from London, who has everyone smiling within seconds of talking with her. 

The maps below show the first two weeks through Oregon & Idaho (top), the entire route (middle) and the first 4 days (bottom).  It gives you some idea of the enormity of this thing!



  1. FABULOUS Lois! I said a little prayer for him this morning and so glad you wrote with the update!!! XOX Mary & Carter Newton

  2. This is even more amazing after seeing the maps!
    XXOO Jill

  3. Go Terry!! Keep us posted--we are safely in Beijing at the moment! David & Diana

  4. Great! So inspiring! Thanks for the update! Is that Casper, Wyoming around day 18-19? Any chance you have the Wyoming days 15-22 blown-up in an image? Enjoy the cooler weather! Matt

  5. Thanks Lois. Tell him that the "Force is with him". Jerry Rosen

  6. This is so incredible and exciting. We're so proud of and inspired by Terry and how he continues to challenge himself. I actually got really psyched as I read this and tried to visualize all the events. Mymind keeps going back to how dad would have enjoyed checking the maps and Terry's progress, especially your updates. He also would have been not only proud but very inspired. You know how Dad loved maps. I can just visualize him pouring over your maps of Terry's route. I'll eagerly be waiting your next update. Love, Anita

  7. FANTASTIC!!!!! And also wonderful to receive you long report. I hope you plan to put these together into a little book of "recordings" for Terry when he finishes. Whether self-published or actually published, it is clear it will be great. Between his skills as a bicyclist and "nice guy," yours as a writer, the wonderful maps, and the photography that will go with it, this is a treasure in the making. And, while there may be 34 OTHER great stories, that doesn't diminish Terry's---AMAZING. Much love to you both, from Israel, Lucy, Bernd, (and Elsita).

  8. Great news! You must be very proud of Terry. I'm glad he's off to a good start. Kristen
