Terry About To Start The Big Ride

Terry About To Start The Big Ride

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 4. Prineville, OR. 60 miles. 3,300 ft climb.

Good news---the mechanic fixed the gear shifter problem and the bike was performing perfectly.  PHEW!!   They're now in the desert environment in rural, eastern Oregon.  Totally different environment.  The weather is now dry and warm, although still relatively mild.  The departure out of the Kah-Nee-Ta resort had it's own risks/challenges but then they are rewarded again with magnificent views.   Mike writes: "Our first challenge was to descend out of the parking lot down the "cliff" behind the motel... but the thrill was short lived.  It's really steep and we briefed everyone that if they didn't keep their bikes under control, they'd miss the turn at the bottom and end up on the 8th green on the golf course.  Jeff asked if it was a par 3 or 4.  I wasn't sure but I told him to at least ask to play through if he ended up in the fairway.
Out of Kah-Nee-Ta
 Everyone made the turn at the bottom and started a gentle climb for the next 8 miles or so before a beautiful downhill into the Warm Springs valley.  Right at the top, the vista of Mt Jefferson was awesome and everyone took a little time to savor the scene...then it was back to work. We saw snow covered mountains in all directions while at the top of the mesa on our route...Mt Jefferson, Mt Hood, The Three Sisters, 3 Fingered Jack, Mt Washington, and Bachelor all were majestic along the horizon showing us a completely different climate than we were riding through...how could it be so warm where we are when we can see snow in every direction?
Gorgeous Vistas Everywhere
Somewhere Near Prineville

 Then, we traveled on a long desolate highway that contained endless rollers and a steadily rising terrain until the last 10 miles to Prineville where everyone was rewarded with a 10 mile descent into town."    
Later that evening, the group was getting to know each other-- who was oldest (Terry), youngest, etc.   And they began to ask Terry what was the meaning of his Zippy jersey and the all the weird names on his head sweat do-rag:  Schmutz, Hot Lips, Doc, Jerky, etc.   He wasn't quite ready to tell them all about it, but I'm sure by the end of the trip, they'll know.
Who ARE Those Guys????

Zippy Does Not Mean What You Think

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