Terry About To Start The Big Ride

Terry About To Start The Big Ride

Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 5. John Day, OR. 116 miles. 5,000 ft. climb

The first of the really long mileage days.  It was a beautiful ride, through mixed farmland, desert, along rivers.  Terry marveled at the bird life along the water, and thought I would enjoy a trip there.   Terry finished  in about 10 3/4 hrs and felt really good about that.  The only problem he had was that the day started quite cold, in the mid-30's, and he was shivering by mid-morning.  You know, he has no fat on him to keep him warm!    Having had one experience of hypothermia here in Tucson during a monsoon ride, he didn't want to repeat that experience.  He stopped into a cafe, which other riders had done also, had warmed up with soup, hot tea, more food, and then continued on his way.  When we spoke at about 5:30, not all the riders had yet come in.   He's looking forward to some recovery rides in the next few days and then they get a rest day.
Part of A Long Day

Cold Zippy & High Water

A Welcome Relief
Rolling Into Town


  1. oh, wow! This just came in! oh wow, oh wow, oh wow! hope the mechanical issues get worked out, and that Terry is able to keep up his (desired) pace....much love to you both, Lucy & Bernd

  2. Just amazing--though I had no doubt that Terry would stand (ride) out as one of the toughest riders. He was already in such strong condition at the Grand Canyon. Had to smile about the "toothpick" description....really sorry for the guy who had the accident. Tell Terry that we really admire him. I am just afraid I can't keep up, after he got me into mountain hiking the last time. But much more important, we wish him lots of joy and a safe journey. Bernd

  3. Sounds like it's living up to Terry's expectations! Please give him my best! Lanie.

  4. This is astounding! I am in total awe. And your writing is beautiful. I'm sharing this with so many people. Best of luck to Terry and love to the both of you. XXOO, Bobbie

  5. Just read the first five days and can't tell you how overwhelmed I am to realize what a tough trip this might be. I am so in awe of what Terry is doing.....looks like he will have fun traveling companions. What a great read! Love, Mom

  6. I find these reports very engaging and appealing. I am especially interested in your observations as you near the flooded areas of central US. Be safe and give my regards to the "dog-toy tough" guy. (I look forward to more great metaphors!). Steve
