Terry About To Start The Big Ride

Terry About To Start The Big Ride

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 7. Ontario, OR. 84 miles. 2,100 ft. Climb

Though there was 2,100 ft climb, there was 3,400 ft of descent.   Crossed into Mountain Time Zone.  Tomorrow into Idaho.  Correction:  No one has dropped out due to saddle sores but several people are riding in the support vans until they can get back in the saddle. Terry learned a new trick to help prevent them:  wear two pairs of cycling shorts for the extra cushioning.  Fortunately, he brought about 8 pairs on the trip and can fit one over the other, so I guess he's in good shape in that department.  Another trick is to use chamois cream.....some buttery cream (sorry, but it's referred to as butt butter)  that one rubs into the chamois on the bike shorts to prevent rubbing & chaffing.   Sounds delightful, doesn't it?   One person had to  drop out because of knee pain, and another has to go home to recover from a viral chest infection, but plans to rejoin the tour in Idaho Falls. So far, all of these have been men.....the women seem to be holding up really well!    OK, enough of that.  Moving right along,  today's ride was mostly a nice downhill, cruising  day, following the Snake River.
Snake River
The rivers are all very full due to record snow melt, and there is definitely some concern over flooding on the route, which they'll just have to deal with when they get there.
Just Cruising

Pretty, But The Water Shouldn't Be There

They also had 12 miles of riding on  Interstate 84.  This is allowed out West, as sometimes that's the only road.  Terry has done that before, while on a bike tour in Utah, but many in the group had never done so, and were nervous about it.  But, it was a Sunday and quiet.  There were wide shoulders and it had been repaved recently, so it was a really smooth surface.  The biggest challenge is watching out when crossing the exit or entrance ramps, since that's when cars & trucks have to cross in front of the riders,  But again, it was a quiet Sunday and no problem. 
Parallel To Interstate At This Point
 The ABB planners pick their routes very carefully and obviously take all that into consideration.  When we spoke, Zippy was in a cafe, gorging on pancakes and pie-a-la mode, feeling very proud of himself that he's eating a lot!


  1. We're loving the journal. Great pic of the Snake River. Cookie & Bernie

  2. There's beautiful scenery behind the riders! Bernie

  3. Wow!! Butt butter and a clean bike. Zippy rocks!!!! xxxKristen

  4. Seems like Terry is the STAR of the whole event! Amazing scenery! Amazing Zippy! Map is a great aid. Thanks! Wendy & Richard
