Terry About To Start The Big Ride

Terry About To Start The Big Ride

Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 8. Boise, ID. 64 miles. 1,650 ft. climb.

The riders crossed into Idaho pretty much immediately after leaving Ontario, OR. No drama on the road today.  The mileage was "short", the terrain was pretty easy, rolling, agricultural land.

Thumbs Up Zippy
 Nearing  Boise, they first came to Historic Hyde Park in Boise's North End, which has charming eateries and shops.  Lunch time. Burgers and, what else could it be but Idaho Potato Fries. Zippy says they were the best fries ever.
Cafe In Boise

Idaho Potato Fries, Of Course!
 Did you know there are over 5,000 varieties of potato worldwide and  the world’s fourth largest food crop — following rice, wheat, and corn?  Pretty amazing!     Boise is  a university town, and all that that brings---lots of young people, energy, ambiance.   All the riders are really looking forward to their hard-earned rest day tomorrow, though they were warned by Mike, the ride leader, not to sit around all day or they'll stiffen up.  Terry plans on giving his bike a good clean-up to get off the accumulated road grime and clean the drive trains and then take an easy ride on the bike path around town and along the Boise River.   Riders were reminded to be sure to clean their bikes regularly and not track all the grime into the motels along the way so that ABB gets welcomed back the next year.
Boise--a bit like Tucson set against the mountains


  1. Way to go Zippy! Am enjoying Travis' comments. He sounds like a lot of laughs. Keep writing, Love, Mom

  2. I just love these updates. It gives me a little window of his journey and I love his new nickname, Zippy. It's so good to hear that he's doing so well and that he's not getting those nasty blisters on his bum---considering he has absolutely no padding back there!! I look forward to more updates. Love, Anita

  3. Thank you for keeping me in the loop regarding Terry's amazing cycling exploits. I look forward to hearing further installments and hope he remains fit and healthy all the way to the East Coast. Please give my love and best wishes for a continuing successful trip to Terry. Love, Bill.

  4. Great reading! Things are going great. Lynda

  5. Love the updates about Terry. He is certainly a bespoke individual! David & Diana
