Terry About To Start The Big Ride

Terry About To Start The Big Ride

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 9. Boise, ID. REST DAY 0 miles. 0 ft. climb

No bike ride today, but a nice stroll around town.   Zippy took the bike into the Boise bike shop and everything checked out fine.  It's kind of a mystery what exactly the problem was, but it's fixed now.  Boise reminds him of Tucson, with its college-town ambiance and three mountain ranges which surround it.  The climate is, of course, very different.  So far, the riders have not formed any defined groups, but most tend to ride singly.  They might start out as a group, but with different paces, everyone gets strung out.   Terry usually comes into the SAG stops in the first 1/3 but isn't in the fastest group.  That's just fine with him.  They have five more days in Idaho before crossing into Wyoming, and then some killer miles and climbs await.

The attached map shows the journey so far, Day 1-Day 16, from Astoria to the rest day in Boise (the double numbers), and then the route through Idaho into Wyoming.    Some people have told me that seeing the maps really helps them visualize the trip.   Does for me, too!

Day 1-16.  Now In Boise (Double Dots) with Five Days Across Idaho.

The Idaho Route

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