Terry About To Start The Big Ride

Terry About To Start The Big Ride

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 11. Twin Falls, ID. 97 miles 2,350 ft climb

Well, today is special as it is Terry and my 21st anniversary.   Being apart on our anniversary is kind of strange, but we exchanged cards before he left,  to be opened today. We had fun opening and reading them while on the phone, but I do think some kind of rain check is in order.  I must qualify for supportive spouse now, right?    But, the ride continues and takes priority.   Another long mileage day, the second longest to date.  Following the Oregon Trail on Rt. 30E, the day started out with cool temps.  It was also  a windy one, sometimes a tailwind (which is good), sometimes a crosswind, (which is not).  Zippy had good day, getting in to Twin Falls with the first third of the riders.   Not that he's noticing that, or anything.  .   Pedaling along the Snake River through Idaho has been primarily agricultural, with an amazing assortment of crops, and dairy farming.  But whenever there's no river or irrigation, everything is brown.   Kinda sounds like Arizona.   Now they are getting into  a land filled with buttes, canyons, and gorges.  On the final mile into town, they crossed the Perrine Memorial Bridge over a beautiful gorge.   The bridge is the sight of bridge-jumpers---crazy people who jump off the bridge using glider parachutes, while doing flips, turns, somersaults in the air before deploying their chutes.   The law prohibits anything from being affixed to the bridge (hence, no bungee-jumping), but simply jumping is permitted!    Twin Falls is also the  place that Evel Knievel made his fabled, but ill-fated rocket cycle jump over the Snake River in September of 1974.   Apparently the parachute deployed too soon and Evel wound up in the water rather than on the opposite rim.  Oh, and he broke just about every bone in his body.  His launch pad is still visible at the site, but no one was interested in trying to duplicate the feat.
Snake River

En Route To Twin Falls

The Jumping Bridge


  1. Happy anniversary, Lois!! You'll have lots to celebrate when Zippy gets home. My favorite part of this message was the bikers hitting the headwinds in a clump, which I think you called a pace group. I was thinking of all the geese who live around me. It's great that the bikers are borrowing the geese's wisdom!! Take care. Go, Zippy, go!!!

  2. We are so enjoying your updates of Zippy's monumental adventure. Almost feels like we're there! Looks like you've become the official chronicler of the journey. Terry is amazing, but you already know that.

    Happy anniversary!

    Susan &Shawn
