Terry About To Start The Big Ride

Terry About To Start The Big Ride

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 14. Idaho Falls, ID. 65 miles 760 ft climb

Last day in Idaho before crossing into Wyoming and some serious climbs.  It was a "short, easy", fun day.  Terry's been riding with Julie & Chuck from NC, and finally told them the Zippy story. Now that the secret is out here's the story:  On a very cold hike with great friends here in Tucson, Terry's fingers got so numb he couldn't operate the zipper to take a pee break.  I was not on this hike, and the only one willing to come to his aid was our dear friend, Dana, but it was a little stuck, so she had to kneel down to get it to work.   Our other dear friend, Andy (who always hikes with his Canon 7D) "helped" by taking a photo, which he presented to me later that evening at dinner.  Needless to say, it had a rather "suspicious activity" look to it, but knowing the cast of characters, all I could do was laugh.  Well, Julie & Chuck laughed so hard they had to stop riding.

Julie & Chuck from NC

There was a little accident today with a couple of riders, while riding together.  One person stopped rather quickly and the rider behind her couldn't stop, so he swerved out of the shoulder to avoid her, but crashed.  Nothing serious, but some road rash and bruises.  He's OK, and so is his helmet and bike after the tour mechanic fixed a few issues.  BTW, one rider has cameras attached to the front and rear of his bike, and some of the pace line shots on this blog are  from his rear camera.  Pretty cool!   The riders are reporting that they are really used to the routine now, and their bodies are stronger and no longer completely sore and stiff. Some do ice their knees at the end of the day.   Zippy's 74 yr-old body is one of the toughest on the tour, which gets lots of notice from the others.   The ride was again through flat, irrigated cropland.  In fact, the riders have been amazed at the huge irrigation machinery all throughout Idaho.   Zippy got in early and went with others to a great Mexican restaurant for lunch and enjoyed a Fried Ice Cream desert.  (He really is trying to eat more!).

Rolling Into Idaho Falls

Idaho Falls in Center of Town
Icing Knees
As they say farewell to Idaho, anxiety is building quickly with what the next day brings:  Climbing to just over 8400 ft over the Teton Pass, serious downhill,  and into Jackson, WY after 88 miles and a total 5,500 ft climb.  Nice way to celebrate July 4th.
Trip Stats To Date:  14 Days    983 miles     2 States.............and rolling...............

1 comment:

  1. Imagine going over the Teton Pass!! Zippy will be in ecstasy. Go, Zippy, go! Happy Independence Day!
